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filmways presentation, dahling
Green Acres
...Episode Five

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Oliver finally whips the house into shape! (Well, almost)

They've got a house, cots, a kitchen table and chairs, next on Haney's list to rent Mr. Douglas is Bertram the rooster. Unfortunately, it turns out that Bertram is a "pecker" not a "crower," so Oliver ends up renting Alice the chicken as well.

Now that their waking up and eggs problem is solved, Oliver realizes that their farm house is missing a few basic ammenities...such as running water, electricity, telephone, and a solid roof. Fortunately, this episode brings us the first appearance of State Department of Agriculture, County Agent, Hank Kimball. He takes several soil samples for Mr. Douglas, and provides him with several helpful names in getting the farm fixed up.

Oliver gets the roof fixed (though its an awful job), he gets a phone installed in the kitchen, but it won't work until they install the line (in three months) he gets the plumbing installed, though it won't work without electricity (six months).

The show ends happily with Haney selling them an electric generator, and Bertram successfully waking up Oliver (unfortunately, at sunSET!).

Haney rents Bertram to Mr. Douglas

The first appearance of Hank Kimball

Mr. Drucker practices his $8.00 wedding

Ed Ferguson, the plumber (Hmmmmmmm...
I wonder what character he'll play later?)

Mr. Douglas rents the following items from Mr. Haney: Cots $1.00 per night each, Kitchen table and chairs $.75 per day, Rooster $.50 per day.

This episode is the first appearance of Mr. Kimball.

In this episode we also meet Ed Ferguson the plumber, who we'll later come to know and love as Alf Monroe.
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